You have probably heard of 75 Hard, whether through TikTok or other social media platforms. But what is 75 Hard, and should you try it? Throughout this blog, we will explore what the 75 hard challenge is, its benefits and the rules associated with it.


What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

Recently, you may have seen this ‘challenge’ pop up all over your social media platforms, specifically TikTok. However, as everyone sees this as a challenge rather than a mental toughness programme, after completion, people will often return to their old habits.

Andy Frisella, the founder of this programme didn’t want it to be seen as just a fitness programme/ fitness challenge or changing habits for a sustained amount of time.

Instead, he wanted it to be seen after 75 days straight as something that can be sustained for a long period of time, increasing your life productivity by a considerable amount.

Not only that, but the switch in traits and habits will be full of self-improvement hacks. Therefore, self-confidence, self-belief, and fortitude altogether will be improved.

So, what are the key principles of this mental toughness-building programme? What rules do you have to follow? Keep reading for a basic breakdown of what you have to do.


What Are the Rules of the 75 Hard Challenge?

The rulesof the 75 Hard Challenge are simple but demanding. It requires you to follow certain rules daily for 75 days straight. These rules include:

  1. Sticking to a diet of your choice – for example, calorie tracking – but no cheat meals or alcohol are allowed!
  2. Completing two 45-minute workouts daily (one must be an outdoor workout regardless of the weather).
  3. Taking progress pictures every day – this can be a great motivator!
  4. Drinking 1 gallon of water daily.
  5. Reading 10 pages of a book (audiobooks don’t count).

This is a very strict challenge. If you miss just one rule from a single day, you will have to start again.


Benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge

Although this challenge seems hard, it is doable and offers a wide range of benefits for those who complete it, such as:

  • Increased confidence
  • Enhanced physical fitness
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Better time management
  • Improved physical health
  • Self-belief
  • Resilience

By the end of 75 Hard, you would have completed a total of 6,750 minutes of physical exercise, read 750 books, and find yourself in a healthy routine.

There have been some serious cases of personal development, such as weight loss, improved body image, increased fitness levels, and many more, within a field of testimonials across the world thanks to 75 Hard. So, what are you waiting for? You can do it!


What Are the Risks of 75 Hard?

Although the 75 Hard programme has many benefits, there are some risks associated with it. Here are some of the risks associated with 75 Hard:

  • Overtraining and injury: Two daily workouts can lead to joint and muscle pain.
  • Burnout or mental fatigue: The programme has no rest days, which is essential for recovery.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: The programme doesn’t specify a diet.
  • Lack of research and personalisation.

Like all training programmes, there can be risks. However, there are some ways you can reduce these risks. For example, if you have any health concerns, it is best that you consult with your doctor to make sure you are suitable for this programme.

The most important way to reduce these risks is by listening to your body. Although it can be tempting to complete the programme, if your body is physically exhausted, it is important that you take a break even if it means starting again or stopping completely.


Is 75 Hard Right for You?

The 75 Hard Challenge may be right for you if you’re looking to improve mental toughness, discipline, and healthier habits while pushing your limits.

It’s a great programme for those with clear goals who have the time to commit to two daily workouts and other tasks and the willingness to embrace an all-or-nothing approach for 75 days.

However, it requires strict discipline, and missing even one task means starting over, which can feel like a huge knockback for some.

If you want to complete the 75 Hard programme but are unsure as to whether it is right for you, we at MOVE can help. As briefly mentioned before, our founder Mark Waldron has completed this programme before, so if you have any questions, we are here to help!


An Image of a man in the gym lifting weights


What MOVE Founder Mark Waldron Thinks of the 75 Hard Challenge

Mark said, “The first major difference in myself that I saw was how my organisational and planning skills heightened immediately!” Getting through your standard daily tasks, along with the 75 hard tasks too, creates urgency like no other, as there is so much to get through.

Sometimes, pressure will force you to perform to your highest standards, fighting against procrastination and leading you to get more done than on a normal working day.

Lastly, Mark stated, “I feel much better with my mental health and physical performance too”. With high-intensity workouts and productivity at an all-time high, endorphins and dopamine are released constantly, as you know you’re putting your all into every aspect of your life.

So, what can you take away from this blog post? Well, first of all, self-improvement is an absolute must if you’re looking to level up and feel good about yourself daily.

Although this is a mental toughness programme, due to your discipline and work ethic improving every day, you will soon notice that you’re capable of much more than the brain can process.

Whether you’re a person looking for confidence boosters, self-improvement, healthy habits, or a daily schedule to take you to the next level, this might just be something that you’ll have to try.

Here at MOVE Online, we would recommend you give it a go and let us know how you find it!