Why do you come to MOVE? (Netwalking)

I come to MOVE Netwalking because it has the 3 main things I love to do. I like walking and getting out around the park. I love taking my dog, Maggie, for a walk and now there are more and more MOVE dogs which is great. And I like talking about business and the business challenges we all have.

What value have you had that you could measure?

I think with MOVE Netwalking, you’re quite relaxed and walking and talking, so I feel like I’m more open and vulnerable compared to being in a typical professional setting, where you may hold back and you don’t say what you really want to say. Also, the people you’re usually Netwalking with are often from a totally different industry or business and so you can get new ideas that you wouldn’t typically think of yourself as you’re in the thick of it in your own business and industry.


Why should other people get involved?

It’s a group of great people, it gets you out and about. I personally would never go around the park and do 10k steps at 7am on my own, especially in the winter. And I’ve also made some really good relationships with people at Netwalking that I probably would never have come across or talked to, but I now have very good relationships with those people.

Sophie Gilmore - Hybrid Technical Services

Why do you come to MOVE (Netwalking)?

I was introduced to MOVE by Mark, when we first met. We spoke about business and you talked about the coaching he did with Andrea and getting some form of coaching and support was something that interested me as I’ve never had anything like that before. I’d always been the engineer on site, but I’d never grown a business before.So first and foremost, I got involved with MOVE for the business support element. The reason I keep coming back and stay involved is because I get value every time I come. Even though I’m in the telecoms industry, I’ve been able to improve my business simply by talking to people from other industries about topics that related to all businesses, no matter what industry they operate in.


What services from MOVE have you benefited from?

I’ve been to MOVE Netwalking, MOVE Online and the MOVE Social events and have gained massive value from all 3, mostly from coming across new valuable contacts and gaining business insights that I’ve been able implement in my own business.


How have you benefited from MOVE?

The motivation side definitely because you’re speaking to other business others might be going through a tough time or having great success. And each week I’ve learned about things that have enabled me to make by business better for things such as dealing with unpaid invoices, staffing issues.I would highly recommend anyone who is a high achieving professional, or looking to do better and achieve more and grow their business. I’d recommend people who want to improve in any way professionally or personally get involved in MOVE Netwalking, MOVE Online or the MOVE Socials. And also speak to Mark and Andrea about any concerns or challenges you might have as they always offer high level advice.

Dave Allen - Fluid Fibre