If you’re new to networking, you may not have heard about the Clubhouse app. It launched in 2020, and has already been valued at $100 million, and has brilliant reviews.

The app allows you to talk to like-minded people about business, trends, and other various topics. Unlike other social media apps, Clubhouse is audio-only – which means no texting, no pictures, and no videos.

Any communication is unedited and unfiltered, giving a sense of reality to this networking app. You can start a ‘room’ yourself, or join an existing one. Like with video-chat apps like Zoom, you can use the ‘raise hand’ feature to talk.

This will prevent chatter and encourage people to speak only when they have something valuable to say. Clubhouse is a simple and effective app that can help you grow your brand and increase your outreach.

Keep reading to find out the 7 best ways you can network on Clubhouse, including how to get an invite, how to host meetings, and best practices.


1. Secure An Invite

Part of the reason that Clubhouse is so great is that not just anybody can join – you have to be invited by an existing Clubhouse member.

Unfortunately, Clubhouse is only available on iOS at the moment, so if you have a Huawei, Samsung, LG or another Android phone, you’ll have to wait a while longer.

The good news is that they plan on introducing the app to android users in the next couple of months – so you won’t be waiting too long!

The first step is downloading the Clubhouse app from the app store and reserving your username. If enough people you know use the app, it may recognise this and send you a direct invite.

If you don’t know anybody that can invite you to join Clubhouse, then you could try scouring social media platforms.

Facebook groups, Twitter, and Instagram can be helpful in obtaining an invite. Be sure to use the hashtag #Clubhouse so users will be able to find your post easier and help you out.

In your post, explain why you want to be invited to the app and what you can offer. If you still haven’t had any luck in securing an invite, then you’ll simply have to wait.

When you first join, you only have two invites available at first – so be grateful if somebody spends one of those invites on you!


2. Grow Your Community

When you see an open event that appeals to you, be sure to join the event, listen to what’s being said, speak up, and make connections.

Clubhouse gives you the opportunity to build a strong community and expand your network. One of the best ways of doing this is by creating and joining rooms and providing valuable input.

If you’re really passionate about what you’re talking about, it will show – and you can quickly earn credit with your peers on the app.

This will get you more followers and more of a sphere of influence, so each time you create an event, more people will join and engage with you.

Engagement is the key point of the Clubhouse app – if you’re not engaging on the app, then you won’t have much luck growing your network.


3. Create A Room

Creating your own event on Clubhouse is the perfect way to grab an audience, expand your network, and improve your outreach.

It’s generally better to schedule a room instead of spontaneously creating a room, as you can invite people and plan who’s going to be there in advance, giving you more structure and more of an idea of who’s going to be attending.

To schedule a room, all you have to do is click the calendar icon at the top of your screen and then tap the calendar with a plus sign on it.

When you schedule a room, your followers will be notified and you can share the link with whoever you please.

To open a spontaneous room, click ‘start a room’ in the main hallway. You’ll have the choice between an open, social, or closed room.

An open room is open to anybody on the app, a social is only available to your followers, and a closed room is only available to people you send the link to.

For best results, be selective with who you send the link to – choosing the right people can really set a great tone for your event.

You can also connect your event to an existing club, which is a great way of bringing new people in that you haven’t previously connected with on the app.

This is especially great if you’re new to the app and want to get started straight away.


4. Co-Host an Event

Hosting your own event is great, but co-hosting an event can also be an effective way to network. This encourages you to reach out to your connections on the app, as you have to ask somebody to co-host an event with them.

Co-hosting an event also allows you to access the other host’s network, growing your connections on the app.

You can also have people co-host your own event with you which is a great way of increasing the number of people joining your event, ultimately expanding your network and outreach.


5. Speak Up

Simply spectating events won’t get you very far when it comes to networking.

When someone is talking in the room, listen carefully to what they’re saying, and speak up if you have anything valuable to add.

However, talking for no reason may hinder your networking progress, so only contribute something that people will benefit from hearing, such as advice, helpful tips, reflections, and opinions.

Insightful and valuable inputs will encourage people to follow you or message you. Twitter and Instagram can be connected to the Clubhouse app to encourage private messaging and follow-ups.


6. Keep Up To Date With Trends

To be successful with your networking efforts on Clubhouse, be sure you’re keeping up with all trending topics related to your industry.

Follow all the relevant people in your industry and check the categories related to your niche – this enables you to see what your competitors are up to, as well as being aware of any news or valuable information in the industry.

Your timeline should have valuable information on trends, news, and opinions that can help you understand the industry better.

Join any relevant chats and listen to what people are saying. This will give you an insight into the industry, as well as inspiration for your own Clubhouse events.

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7. Start Conversations

Clubhouse is a great app for learning new information, connecting with business owners and creators, and building a following – but unfortunately, there’s no direct message feature on the app.

Instead, you can connect your Twitter and Instagram accounts to the app, so you can still build relationships with your fellow Clubhouse members through other social media direct messages.

This also means you can learn more about a potential connection, as you can click on their Twitter and Instagram profiles as well as their Clubhouse profiles.

For more success in building your network, be sure to follow up with any connections using Twitter or Instagram.