Motivation is a crucial aspect that you need when working, but when your motivation starts to slip, so does everything else. Many people find it challenging to stay motivated throughout work, especially on a Monday. But what is the reason behind this and what can you do about it?

A lot of people set themselves up for failure by automatically thinking negatively about work. Let’s be real, very rarely do you hear anyone boasting about work – this is because everyone is in the same boat. People go to work to socialise and earn money to allow them to live the lifestyle they want.

Losing motivation can seem like you’ve hit a brick wall and that there is no way to get it back. However, this is not always the case. There are many things you can do to help bring your motivation back, whether it be setting yourself goals or changing your mindset, you can do it. For more information on how you can get your motivation back, read on.



One of the main reasons why some people may lose motivation at work is down to the workload. If you are someone with a lack of flexibility, you leave your work until the last minute or just simply find it hard to complete tasks on time, then setting yourself goals will help. Short-term and long-term goals are a great way to retain your motivation and passion for your work.

By prioritising your work, you will be able to get the most important tasks out of the way, leaving the less important tasks for later on in the month. This will help with your motivation as you won’t feel under pressure to get jobs done as you have planned your tasks out. This, therefore, allows you to relax knowing you have everything under control.


Change Your Mindset

The reason why most people let their motivation slip is due to their mindset. If you are someone who doesn’t enjoy their job or work environment, then you are most likely thinking negatively about it. If your first thought of a morning is about how much you hate work, then you are automatically starting your day off on a negative note.

Negative thinking leads to a decrease in your motivation and mood. However, there are many ways to change your mindset whether it be focusing on the positive aspects of work or prioritising your mental health. Not only does this improve your overall mood, but it also improves your personal and professional development.


Focus on the Positive

There is most likely a reason you took this job, to begin with, whether it be your dream job or just simply a job that you needed, so shifting your focus to why you took this job to begin with, can remind you of your initial reason as to why you chose this job.

There are many ways to maintain positivity at work, whether it be creating a routine for the day, filling your mind with positive input or just simply reviewing your goals and objectives.

Different methods work for different people. For example, some may enjoy listening to music whilst others may find something else that works for them to help with their mindset.


Take Charge of Your Mental Health

Mental health can have a huge impact on your work which is why it is important to prioritise this, especially if you find little to no enjoyment throughout your day. People with mental health problems may feel down most of the time, and this can have a knock-on effect on your work.

In order to feel more motivated at work, it is important that you consider ways to improve your mental health first. There are many ways you can do this such as:

  • Improving your sleep
  • Exercising regularly
  • Diet/ lifestyle changes
  • Therapy
  • Finding a hobby you like

These are just some of the many examples of how you can improve your mental health in order to feel more motivated and work to your full potential in your workplace. Improving your mental health will motivate you into improving your motivation at work.


Notice The Pattern

There is almost always a pattern when it comes to a lack of motivation, whether it be due to stress, life changes or an underlying mental health condition such as depression. The important thing is that you recognise the pattern in order for you to do something about it.

If you find that when you get stressed, your motivation drops, then this is a good starting point as you can identify what is causing your lack of motivation in order to make a change. By noticing where you are struggling, you will be able to make a difference in your mindset.


Plan Out Your Day

Another main aspect that can affect your motivation is not planning out your day. If you are someone that finds it difficult to keep on top of everyday tasks, then you are most probably best investing in a diary and planning out your day.

Having a plan helps you to go about your day one step at a time, whether you’re in the office or working from home. It also helps to set yourself goals so you can feel more in control of your day.

You are able to relax slightly knowing that you have prioritised the important things so that they are completed in time. So next time you feel your motivation is slipping slightly, remember to refer back to this guide to help you and your motivation improve.


Move Can Help

Here at Move, we offer a service called Move Netwalking. Here we have combined netwalking, walking and being outdoors in one event. We aim to improve your overall physical and mental well-being, relationships and both business and personal development.

This service is ideal for those struggling with their physical and mental well-being. We can help you along your personal development journey to help you become the best version of yourself. For more information make sure to check out our MOVE Netwalking section on our website.

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