Do you feel like you work countless hours? Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with tasks? If so, you are in the right place. Here at MOVE, we understand how difficult it can be to balance your work and personal life.

Staying on top of work, ensuring you meet deadlines and staying organised can seem repetitive for some, but you are not alone. Learning to stay organised comes with a range of benefits, such as maximising your productivity and more. Throughout this article, we will be discussing how you can become more organised at work. For more information, read on.


Why Is Organisation Important?

No matter what your job role is, who you work for, or what you do, organisation is an important aspect of work. All companies want to get projects completed on time to remain successful.

If a workplace is unorganised, then this can lead to work not being submitted on time, problems with deadlines, a negative reputation for the business, and missed opportunities.

The last thing you want when going to work is to be stressed due to the amount of work you have to complete in a short period. Being unorganised can cause stress, a decrease in productivity and anxiety to name a few.

Good organisational skills can improve communication and allow your workplace to run smoothly. If you have a plan that you have to work towards each month and you wait until the last minute to get it done, then it’s probably time to start planning your workload more efficiently.

Leaving work till the last minute usually means that you struggle to find the time to complete your work accordingly, often resulting in lowering your standards.

By organising your work, such as your emails, documents and papers, you can stay on track no matter what tasks you are given. Being organised comes with a range of benefits, such as:

  • Organisation saves time
  • Provides order
  • Promotes well-being
  • Reduces stress
  • Provides confidence
  • Helps you feel good about yourself
  • Helps you to stay on track

If you are organised, you will find that you have good motivation as you don’t feel overwhelmed with tasks; therefore, you are more likely to complete your work to a much higher standard.

There are many motivation techniques you can try to help drive your ambition, it’s all about finding what works best for you.


Why Do I Struggle to Stay Organised?

Do you struggle to stay organised? If so, don’t worry as you’re not alone. There are many reasons why people struggle to stay organised but there are also many things you can do to become more organised at work.

Lack of maintenance is one of the many reasons people struggle to stay organised at work because they don’t make it a priority in their schedule. This is why it is important to make time for organising tasks so you don’t feel overwhelmed when it comes to it.

Distractions are another reason why people struggle to stay organised at work. This is because distractions can lead to a lack of focus, which can have a negative effect when it comes to organising tasks. To improve your organisation at work, you should try to:

  1. Schedule breaks regularly to organise tasks
  2. Create simple systems
  3. Set realistic expectations
  4. Focus on implementing some key organisational strategies

For more information on how you can become more organised at work, read on.


How Do I Become More Organised at Work?

There are many ways that you can become more organised at work. From focusing on what’s important to making lists and working on your time management, these are all ways that you can improve your overall organisation.


Prioritise Important Tasks

If you are given a range of tasks to complete in a month and feel overwhelmed then focus on the most important tasks. For example, if some of your work is due at an earlier date, prioritise them first and work your way through the rest of your tasks in a timely manner.

If you are unsure as to what you need to complete first, ask your manager or prioritise tasks that take up a lot of time and research. This way, you will be able to complete the more complex tasks first, leaving you with easier, less time-consuming tasks to complete further down the line.

Making daily, weekly or monthly lists of tasks you need to complete means you can review your priorities at the beginning of each day. This is helpful as it allows you to break down your workload so you don’t feel overwhelmed with a copious amount of tasks and responsibilities.


Manage Your Time Efficiently

Another way that you can improve your organisation is by managing your time effectively. You can do this by completing challenging tasks when your energy levels are high or by working in the office rather than at home if you feel you are more productive in the workplace.


Make To-do Lists

A great way to become more organised at work is through a to-do list. One of the main reasons why people struggle to stay organised at work is because they feel like they have too much work to do, which can make them feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

However, there is no need to worry, as this can be easily resolved. Making a to-do list allows you to visually see what you have to do. This can help to break tasks down so you don’t feel as overwhelmed and it is a great way to help you complete tasks easier.


Eliminate Distractions

Eliminating distractions can massively help you become more organised at work. It allows you to concentrate more on the tasks you have to complete and manage your time more efficiently.

With fewer interruptions, you can focus your time more on organising and planning your work. This is also a great way to become more organised at work as it can help you stick to your schedule and complete tasks within the timeframe.

Phones, TV and other electrical devices can be a massive distraction at work, especially when you have lots of work to do. It can be tempting to stop working and pick your phone up, which is why switching your phone off or putting it away is ideal for becoming more organised at work.


Use Sticky Notes

Sticky notes are a great way to help you stay organised and they are a great way to streamline work life. Any small or difficult tasks you need to complete can be written on a sticky note, so your tasks are broken down into individual tasks.


Schedule Breaks

Scheduling breaks is important in any workplace. This is because if you work for too long, you can begin to lose focus quite easily. This is why breaks are important, as they can help employees return to tasks with more focus and clarity.

Breaks also prevent mental fatigue to help maintain productivity throughout the day. As you can see, there are many ways you can improve your organisation, so don’t give up if you feel overwhelmed by tasks, because there is always a solution.

A quote about how business coaches can improve your mindset

MOVE Can Help!

Here at MOVE, we work with a range of different clients to help them achieve their goals and thrive within themselves and their businesses. If you own a business and struggle with your organisation, you’ll be glad to know that we can help.

We believe that when you own a business, you are responsible for all aspects of it. However, we understand that remaining organised at all times and putting your goals and visions into action can be difficult, which is why we are here to assist you in the best way possible.

We offer a variety of different services to help you grow within yourself and your business, such as business coaching services, netwalking for those who enjoy talking to like-minded individuals, mastermind groups if you prefer working in groups, and online meetings from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you are a small business or have been established for a while and would like more details about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help and look forward to hearing from you shortly.