When looking for extra reasons to find and perform on your soul purpose, it can be quite difficult to find solutions to improve. You may feel like you’re hitting a constant plateau with your work, business, or just skills in general.

If you’ve been on the lookout for someone to go to when you need that extra boost of inspiration, a mastermind full of like-minded people may be the way forward for you.

Every single person has a goal they want to achieve in life, whether it be in the gym, on a football field or in a business venture of theirs. However, they can lack that extra hint of discipline and lack awareness when times get tough.

This is why mastermind groups can be massive successes with a lot of people. It is a huge results-driven industry that encourages people with the potential of becoming the best version of themselves.

In this blog post, we will go through exactly what exactly a mastermind group is, what to expect from a mastermind group and how you get involved in one.


What Is A Mastermind Group?

A mastermind group is essentially where you meet a ton of motivated people who are on similar or completely different paths. However, you all have that same common goal… success.

With this group, you will meet up either in person or on video through your laptop or phone screen. On these calls or online meetings, you will receive coaching to come up with a strategy to break barriers you can’t currently break down on your own. This plan that you come up with will essentially help you to achieve your goals and become successful in your chosen area.

Not only coaching from professionals, but you will talk with the others at the same stage as you and mentor each other too – who will have the drive to reciprocate positive energy and success.


Different Types Of Mastermind Groups

With all the paths that can be taken in life, there are going to be thousands of different types of mastermind groups you can get yourself into. Here are examples of all of the groups of mastermind groups you can become members of – and the key benefits they can provide.


Groups Based On Industry

These are self-explanatory groups to have but are also very effective in their work. In any industry you go into or are trying to reach the next level in, connecting with experts or business owners in your field is always going to help. Having direct access to higher knowledge is a blessing to work and brainstorm with.

Whether your job is in sport, marketing or even being a teacher – there is a business mastermind group for everyone. When you’re in a group full of people in your industry, it is essential to keep learning and improving on your skills – as you may fall down the pecking order later down the line.

Creating a business plan of action with a small group of peers in your niche makes it seem more official – forcing you to be more productive as you don’t want to let people down. This is why it is so successful – because you’re constantly helping and pushing people to be at their peak.


Groups Based on Day Job

Whilst the previous mastermind group was niche – this is even more personal. As soon as you join, you will be doing exactly what you learn from the mastermind calls or meetups daily. This is due to the specificity of your job role being noticed immediately. Whereas, the group based on industry would be a lot broader – meaning some information may be wasted on you.

Coming up with new and innovative ideas regularly and communicating as a team will be the biggest contribution to the mastermind group success. This will start to make you feel more creative – as more and more conversations are happening you will gain little snippets of knowledge. You’ll notice that you will start to formulate your own opinions on how certain areas can be improved – which can only make the group stronger!


What to Expect From a Mastermind Group

You’ve probably already learned a lot from the previous about what you could expect from a mastermind group. You may be slightly sceptical to join based on the thought of meeting new people. However, they are all in mostly the same position as you – trying to learn and improve their craft as well. Here’s what you can expect the process to be:


Move Elite Mastermind

The Structure Of Your Meetings

From online meetings to in-person events with your mastermind groups – there are a lot of ways it can be organised. A typical virtual meeting will either be on Zoom, Teams or Skype. These are the most trustworthy and traditional forms of communication… and they’re all free to use. Links to calls can be sent over by email and times will be arranged to suit you all.

If you meet in person, it will be similar. A time and place will be organised for you to go and meet up with the team. When you’re online meeting or at your location – you will personally get around 10-15 minutes to speak and present your ideas. Multiple discussions will take place with lots of questions and answers – leading to a lot of knowledge and ideas being spread.

Usually, you will keep in touch with the team throughout the week via social media with regular updates and even tips on how to improve.


The Frequency Of Your Meetings

Usually, in a quality mastermind group, you will be in meetings once a week all year round. This is if everyone wants to succeed as much as each other – which is usually the case when skills are there to be gained from guests and experts.


How Do You Join?

One of the easiest ways to find a mastermind group is through friends and connections at work. If they know of someone who founded a mastermind group – it may be worth getting in touch with them personally to see if you can join!

Another way is using social media. If you search for others in your niche or industry, you will find an abundance of others who are either willing to create a mastermind group or are already in one.

Check out our Move mastermind group today to meet like-minded individuals.